Vice-Chancellor's Message of Appreciation to UNIJOS Community



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On behalf of the Maimako Family of Luukwo, Bakinciyawa, Qua’an Pan Local Government Area of Plateau State, I wish to express our deep appreciation for the unprecedented show of support and encouragement by members of the University of Jos Community to our family following the death and subsequent interment of our Son, Late Shitna’an Maimako.


I wish to express my profound gratitude for all the words of comfort and reassurance through your prayers, visits, text messages and other sources of encouragement during the time of our loss. We are particularly grateful to the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman, Governing Council, Prince Tony Momoh and other members of Council,


  • Principal Officers of the University
  • Members of Senate
  • Provost, Deans and Directors
  • Heads of Departments, Divisions and Units
  • Officials and members of ASUU, SSANU, NASU and NAAT
  • SUG Officials (both Executive and Parliamentary Arms)
  • Officials and members of the University of Jos Alumni Association
  • Officials and members of the various Community, Professional, Religious and Voluntary Associations in the University of Jos
  • Staff and Students of the University of Jos
  • Other members of the University of Jos Community    


Although words alone are not enough to convey the depth of our gratitude as a family, we feel truly indebted to you for standing by us during this trying period. May the compassion, love and kindness you showed to our family during our moment of grief be divinely rewarded with God’s merciful consideration and abundant blessings, Amen!




Professor Seddi Sebastian Maimako

For the entire Maimako Family